Recent posts. Sofa


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Recent posts. Bamboo Tree

Life lessons of the Chinese Bamboo Tree

The story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree is one that provides us with great lessons about living a successful life. It illustrates and serves as a lesson in faith, patience, perseverance and persistence and most of all, human potential!

Recent posts. ShinrinYoku

The Japanese practice of maintaining your emotional wellbeing ... Shinrin-Yoku way

We all recognise that being outdoors makes us happy. It may come as no surprise that happiness and well-being are important factors which help protect against mental and physical disorders. But did you know that being outdoors is actually scientifically proven to aide in improving many mental and physical diseases and can even mimic medications for those ailments?

Race of Life

YouTube video about privilege.

Recent posts. Anxiety


During this extraordinary situation we find ourselves in with the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a lot of people having reactions they don’t really understand. So today I thought I’d write something with my therapist hat on. Ladies and Gents, this is Pandemic Anxiety 101.

Recent posts. Covid19 Russian dolls

Emotional Wellbeing during the COVID-19 crisis

It's natural to worry and feel anxious in light of the uncertainty surrounding the current COVID-19 outbreak. There are many things you can do to manage your emotions many of which I cover in my blog.

Recent posts. OK or Not OK

OK or Not OK

Transactional Analysis is a way of examining a person's relationships and interactions with others - “transactional” referring to verbal and non-verbal interchanges between people.

Recent posts. Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi is an ancient Eastern concept that gives a different perspective on perfectionism.

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