
Information for an Emergency
If you feel you need to speak with someone urgently, the following services offer a crisis helpline and support:

The Samaritans offer a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year helpline. The number is 116 123 from any phone. Or you can email them at

NHS Direct
For more information about mental health services and where to get urgent mental help support from by the NHS

CALM (Campaign Against Men Living Miserably)
Preventing male suicide. Tel: 0800 585858 (Helpline open 5pm-midnight)

Prevention of young suicide supporting under 35s Tel: 0800 068 4141

Women’s Aid

Client Resources
I have included below some useful resources which you may find helpful. Please feel free to download, print or save.

Depression Anxiety Relaxation ideas Stress Panic CBT Anger Suicidal thoughts

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